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Thread: I got into another streetfight

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    I got into another streetfight

    this one was real short though, and it was the consequence of my previous story (me needing to get my honor back to myself and not be disrespected again). I was at the basketball court at the park playing ball and this one guy who i played before but always had an ego problem started talking how I wasnt passing enough or something and he was the biggest ball hog on the court. I ignored this but later wanted to test him by switching guys and see if hell try to tell me what to do or not and he did and I think he said why dont you f-king guard him or something so I said "f-k you" than a few minutes or seconds later he runs by and elbows me in the face (hes on my team by the way) and I turn and start going after him but his back is turned and he keeps running so I put my head back on the game and tell myself after this game I will take care of this (which has been a big problem for me as the mroe I think about something and the mroe I put it off I dont do it), on top of it some new dudes came that didnt see anything so in those situations I would geenrally be too emabraswsed to do anything but becasue of my previous disrespects in the last few days my psyche said **** this.

    After the game I tapped him on the shoulder as he was turned form me and said "are you gonna apologise for that elbow?" and he said something like "get away from me" and kept walking away like I was a punk that was a joke to him, so I turned him again and this time grabbed his wrists and held it there. he got one hand loose and slapped me so I immidiatly threw a low thai kick which didnt seem to do too much damage and in which i think becasue of me panicking and the fight or flgiht response was a weak kick with the shoe not shin. Anyway he was like "wtf" nto expecting me to fight back and stood there and I threw a body punch, than he threw another haymaker and i kciekd his gut with a switch kick which he caught my leg and held it there and I was expecting it to end right there after he drops my foot getting my point across but he drops it not knowing I guess what to do with it and starts throwing haymakers. I tried to egt in my boxing stance and throw jkabs but I didnt realize how different streetfighting is from sparring or fighting in a gym. He was taller and I coudlnt get too close and his haymakers were although weak and girly incredibly fast and unblockable. well we clinched and someone got in between and stopped us and I left and said to the people around me "He elbowed me in the middle of the court and dont pretend you all didnt see that".
    Last edited by Hieronim; 05-03-2006 at 06:09 PM.

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