Ok, I was sparring today and I didnt feel too well, meaning I was kinda stiff liek a robot and unlike last time when I was sparring I wa sloose and slipping punches left and right I felt uncomfortable moving my head at all, and although i didnt do too bad I didnt feel so confident afterwards. Well anyway, after I sparred two other guys sparred and one of them was a former pro boxer although not with a good record who just walked in front of me and put his gloces there for me to put on his hands (like he cant himself right), and I did without even waiting for him to say can you please help me with this or without telling him "do I hear a please" like some sort of a slave, Im white and this guy is black so could it be a dominance thing he tried to establish? and/or the fact he might think ehs a big shot among a bunch of amateurs? I know its normal in a boxing gym to help each other and all but this guy didnt even say thank you afterwards or please before. I couldnt think of a witty comment like "do I hear a please" or anything and was in a somewhat down mood after my sparring session not to mention I kinda knew him and liked him as he helped me a bit, so I did it but I kinda felt like a slave or punk.