i have a question for anyone out there that might work in the medical field. i moved to MD this past winter and this spring i have horrible allergies. i had a little seasonal allergy in NJ but nothing bad just itchy eyes. but here i have the post nasal drip, sore throat, cough, stuffiness, and burning eyes. i have never had asthma. i have never had trouble breathing from cardio (at least not an unreasonable amout of difficulty). but since spring started i have been having an almost impossible time geting air in me during kung fu class. i went to an allergist bc of the seasonal allergies and he said its very common for allergies and asthma to go hand in hand but at the time i wasn't having trouble breathing. since then my allergies are worse too.

the question is since my allergies just kind of popped up to make life suck and allergies and asthma go together is it possible that i am developing asthma? or can allergies make it that hard to breath? it feels like something sitting on my chest and i get dizzy and start seeing those little floating lights (the kind you get from being upside down too long). and my breath is really raspy. i dunno if any one knows anything and i plan to see a doc about it but just thought i'd ask.