Hey guys and gals ,
just got sent the details so here you go


The seminar is to be conducted on the 9th and 10th of September (I will leave it up to sifu Lam to decide on the start time and duration of the daily seminar)

The event will be held in a town (MALVERN) close to the 2nd largest city in the UK, which is Birmingham. This place was chosen for it low price and its ease of commuting (central of England) for people all over the UK, and its beauty. Also, that's the only place where I could organise the restaurant that would provide a mini banquet to the participants at such a low price.

The price is 140euros as requested by Andy.
The topic of the seminar is entirely up to sifu Lam, but I was hoping he could cover chisau applications and maybe cham kil or\and the wooden dummy
At the end of the day, Ernie, it's sifu Lam's show. How he chooses to run it is entirely up to him; I'm just the frontman.

I can be contacted on the following numbers: 01684 891918 or 07836 600832

Don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further info big guy