Hi all, I'm a transplanted Texan who moved to Denver for school, and I'm looking around for a kung fu school. I trained a few years in Choy Lay Fut (very Americanized version and nontraditional) and BJJ, but have been out of the scene for about four years. At my current age (35), I'd ideally like to find a fairly traditional school that is still laid back and emphasizes sparring to some degree. Cost is also a major factor as I'm back in grad school and living off workstudy and student loans. The schools I've seen in the area are Wah Lum Preying Mantis in South Denver, and White Dragon in the north, and I think a Hung Gar school near Federal. I checked out the Wah Lum school and it looked pretty good, but the cost may be prohibitive. Any other schools or any suggestions from the Denverites on the Forum?

Thanks for your help,
