Hi All,

Just wondered what emphasis you put on being flexible in your class, or how important you think it is for hung kuen students to be flexible – can do the splits flexible.

Just asking due to a conversation I had with another martial arts practitioner. I have trained for around 7 years but am not very flexible in either my legs or back but I can be really strong and place my emphasis on power and technique rather that being able to kick to the head – although I can jump front kick and jump backswing really high.

The conversation was something like – He said I cant be a proper martial artist cos I cant do the splits! I sort of brushed the comment away saying that I can punch hard to head and kick hard low so never the twain shall meet etc. If I am kicking to the head then the head will be near the floor! Plus my forms don’t really need me to do the splits – neither does my self defence/sparring work.

Any thoughts on the above Q’s?