Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Fisted_TKD
I didn't pick the name but that is what it is called... It is taught by some gung-ho ex-navy seal sniper 7th Dan Hapkido instructor (ITA certification) who teaches realistic hapkido for the "street"? lol... Idk what he was thinking when he named it, but it is a very good class (only 50 bucks a month too!!) that teaches many ways to deal with people that "hug" you when you start pounding their @ss with kicks and punches.

To be quite honest, Tae Kwon Do hardly touches on what to do if someone really starts grappling with you. They teach basic grab escapes, but nothing past the basic "twist your wrist towards their thumb" escape techniques.

Tae Kwon Do also teaches to follow up with a strike after a counter ALWAYS. I would prefer to quickly snap an arm than to punch them in the face... and believe me, I LOVE punching

Again as for the name of the class, I think it is all marketing... I guess people will like to hear the words "street grappling" rather than "modernized hapkido"
I got a black belt in some style of hapkido back in 85 and its pretty cool, I got it in north carolina, from some dude teaching downtown, I dont know what the lineage is or whatever, it may not even be real hapkido, but what I learned was alot like if you combined Tang Soo Do/Tae Kwon Do type striking with Aikdo and Jujitsu type locks, throws, and chokes. It has always been pretty effective in the street. Doesnt hurt that I can take multiple, at least 12 looking back at the fight, punches to the jaw and temple from a 6'8" 300lb Marine presidential guard and not be knocked out, I guess that is a strong chin? That helps for sure, funny though it only took one punch to his crotch to end the madness of him having me jammed up against a wall punching the crap out of me.