You are right WS. Too much water is every bit as bad as too little. I strive for 3-4 liters per day, spread out over the whole day. Yesterday, I only got about 1. Really not enough. And you are also right that Colorado don't get as hot as parts of Texas. But we do average mid 90s this time of year with a few 100+ days mixed in. Heat was not an issue yesterday, though. I just didn't keep myself hydrated.

And what the heck are GU packs?

On another topic, have you seen those Jelly Belly electrolite jelly beens? They are realy not too bad. And I hate Gatorade, so they come in handy.

And on another side note. Forget how my shins felt... I actually think I broke my pinky toe. It was fine when I got ready for kung fu, but when I stripped down for my shower after, there was blood all over one sock, and the toe nail was split in half the long way.

Days like this really make me wish I had a nice comfy desk job...