I train in england at a school that sees new people come and go, but then also sees a set group of us who have stayed and train hard.

it dont matter what others do, its how ou train yourself.

3 examples of training being used within our class

A member in our school was set upon by 3 men and they were intent on giving him a beating. He defended himself against all 3 of them. When he was fighting the last guy, a policeman caught sight of the confrontation, pulled out his baton and went to hit him. The guy from our school instinctively disarmed the copper, and was then rushed and maced to the floor. He got charged with assulting a police officer and is in jail.

a member of our school was in a club. A group of guys were reknowned for 'group fighting' and targeted him. He knew that even though one was starting on him that all would jump in, so he shot a finger strike right i the guys eye. The rest didnt even bother.

my training bud kurt got squared up to by someone much bigger than him, so he didnt hesitate and shot a finger strike to the eyes and heel palmed to the chin. Knocked the guy out clean.

We have 1nce a weekers......but dont ever let that taint the sifu and his serious students.
