hi cust,you can still teach me don't let these get in the way.if you do i understand(pressure)no probs we'll go our seperate ways.

custom156--"Calling posters tee-double U-ay-tees isn't big or clever.
Sui, you have in the past been really rather nasty to a lot of posters, including some veiled attempts at threat. Those with capacity to learn, don't forget.
You are, or at least appear here and in this context, annoying. Why don't you want to tell and show people who you are? As others have already alluded in posts here, in a medium where typed words are the only available communication, wise words are rare, and the wise rarer still.

If you really have, as you allude that you do, real Pak Mei in your hands, then prove it. Tell us something without the bizarre, incorrectly spelt, and frankly, strange grammar, about it.

How hard should that be if you truly know what you wish us to believe you do?"

sui--ok,from this post--((David Jamieson--"My guess is that fortune cookie dude here doesn't have the slightest idea of how tea is picked or processed. I mean, by reading what he's saying he has demonstrated a fundamental lack of basic knowledge that is available on the internet. lol.
sui, i have to admit, you're irritating and a babbler. Thanks for coming out. maybe take it easy on smoking the hash too much, it dulls the mind you know."))

how should i have responded?its all one sided when i fire back no-one wants to know,i did warn them,did i not???????

i don't want to show because i'm inadequet,i tried one or twice and guess what,i got ridiculed-and of all the ppl kung lek stuck up for me,believe it or not?i do not forget and i would show you the thread but cannot find it.

thats who i seek the wise-can i honestly be ridiculed by the way i search?

custom 156--"If you really have, as you allude that you do, real Pak Mei in your hands, then prove it. Tell us something without the bizarre, incorrectly spelt, and frankly, strange grammar, about it.

How hard should that be if you truly know what you wish us to believe you do?"

sui--again why should i prove it?its your choice whether you believe or not?do you believe in jesus?
it dosn't matter what i do does it?you believe what you must without ridicule.its obviouse we can't talk anymore

take care custom 156
