Quote Originally Posted by htowndragon View Post
hey mr ling,
is the wu lin tien ti board still going on?

and i remember something on that board a while ago about a wing chung guy, student of leung sheung, who mixed his hakka boxing with WC, do you know his name?

the thing is my "bai-ba shiong di" david, who is student of kenneth chung (leung sheung disciple) is interested in seeing the outcome of that, or at least who he is..
Hi htowndragon,

Wu Lin Tien Ti is still running but I stopped playing a part a while back.

The Hakka / Wing Chun thingy is actually a clip contributed by a good friend, Evert.

Don’t really have much info about this except that the footage was shot in Hong Kong some years back.

Just in case you did not read my message in the other thread, I am currently working on building another website.

More of an on-line library model with downloadable old magazines, books and video clips.

Got a few good friends working together to consolidate all our MA resources.

Aside from presenting the books/magazines and videos in my collection, I really want to travel throughout this region to interview Masters and their descendants and include them in my new site.

This is my way of helping to “preserve” some old styles.

Hopefully I get others along the way to chip into this project…..

Including a picture of the skin mock-up of the site. (again....sorry)
