Well how would you relate it to the WC pole then.

I did some googling to see what you meant. It was a little tricky to get past the fish since that is apparently the most googled meaning of the word "pike".

So you mean the super-ultra long spears. No hook. Fine. Those are the ones used either in phalanx style from behind shields. That's why they are so long. You can stand behind the shield guys and together, the pikeman and the shield people make a big bristly porcupine thing that moves forward. Horseman who would attempt to charge the ranks would get their horses impaled. The pikes would still have to be braced on the ground for this to work.

So in keeping with your definition of the weapon, what paralells can you draw between any of the WC pole work and the pike. Is there any technique or training method at all which you can point to that is common to both weapons?

I was thinking something like this:


I can see now you meant more something like this:
