It's all a learning experience. Ray did what most guys talk about and criticise other fighters for but never actually do themselves. The key is to learn from his mistakes. With a little knowledge of the ground game Ray would have easily gotten away from that guy.

The fact is that guy was pretty crappy himself on the ground. If that guy really new the ground game he would have easily transiitioned from side control to a full mount as there was no blocking present or he could have easily gone for a better submission, instead he went for a corny neck crank/choke.

Anyone bashing ray is retarded...think you are better, then get in the cage and prove it. Like I said all he has to do is learn the basics on the ground, tighten up the standup game and he'll be fine. Only other suggestion would be to get a corner man. If Ray had a knowledgeable corner man he could have easily been guided out of that bad position.

peace...the roaming warrior!