Ray's situation appears to be the common problem with TCMA today... technique alone does not equal the ability to fight... to fight, you must TRAIN, train realistically, with resistance and context... or as we define it on www.SanDa-MMA.com

If training follows these guidelines, you will be able to discover which techniques are both practical and functional, and a majority of the student body will see appreciable benefits in a reasonable amount of time.

Guideline #1: "Structure"
The foundation of the program is learning the proper position and the proper execution of the techniques. Most of the problems students have in applying technique is found in the incorrect execution; the wrong position, the wrong distance, the wrong angle, etc.

Guideline #2: "Movement"
Since an adversary will not stand in one place during a real fight, all the drills must incorporate movement to replicate real conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, footwork, real distance, distance control, level control and head movement.

Guideline #3: "Impact"
While many traditional martial arts place a heavy emphasis on doing techniques without impact, the reality is that hitting an adversary is quite different from hitting the air! Our program includes a significant time devoted to working with various pieces of equipment so the student becomes familiar with the feeling of impact and develops power and focus.

Guideline #4: "Resistance"
Each drill must include or simulate the resistance (or counter attack) of a real opponent.

Guideline #5: "Context"
Each drill must include context; why the technique is being used, when the technique is being used, how the technique is being used, etc. This also includes discussion of our basic theories such as "leaks", "continuousness", "gates", "bridges", etc.