
your first sentence...beginning with "911 wasn't a shadow..." sounds like you're a ditto head to the bush admin. Really hurts your credibility, despite the ubiquity of words you blurt out following that. Is 911 even remotely connect to Iraq? no. Has Bush changed his motivations for taking Amerioca into that unilateral attack on a weakened country? Yes, several times. I could go on and on and on and on. Would you sidetrack it further? Lincoln? WW2? wtf man???

who the heck said anything about 911 and how is bush having a war on 911?

Just watch what is happening, because, if you're american, it is definitely at some point going to effect you if he gets away with this nonsense.

Don't even bother trying to convince me that there is even one iota of the correct in the Bush admin, because they have worked very hard to erode their credibility fromday one as far as I'm concerned.

I said he was a blundering and failed statesman then and Im saying it again now.
You are of course are entitled to your opinion. You are not entitled to serve horseshit and think that people will just lap it up.

good grief.