Quote Originally Posted by Green Cloud View Post
excuse me Chris but now you guys just figure out what I was saying all along. You know back in the day you all used to gang up on me when I tried to offer MMA solutions. And If I'm correct you and i sparred on several occasions you know what I mean
let's just say that, in general, my perception / memory of things that were said and done "back in the day" at times agrees with and at times varies significantly from those of others who were present at that time (which, for the purposes of this forum, incoude you, Dave and Mike); therefore, I have, with a few exceptions, refrained in the past from either agreeing or disagreeing with what you guys have said about past events, since, as you so succinctly like to put it, I don't believe in airing "dirty laundry" in public;

that said, I do not remember specifically "ganging up" on you in regards to your offering "MMA solutions" - if you have a specific instance in mind that you can recall, let me know, it may jog my memory - regardless, if there were any time when you felt I was being agressive or dismissive towards you in such a situation, I apologize;

as far as us sparring, yes I do remember that we did so on several occasions, and if I get your implication, it consisted of a wide range of technique, including both striking and grappling