Hi everybody,

This is probably a little premature but ……

Some of you might be aware that we are about to launch www.wulinijia.com anytime now.

“Wu Lin I Jia or All Martial Arts, One Family” must be one the most essential doctrines in my Kung Fu education. All my teachers stress this continuously when passing down the arts to me.

Could be also why I am so driven to collect materials throughout all these years. I was never really happy with confining my experience to the few styles that I was learning; just needed to see how others are training. Throughout my entire kung fu journey, discriminating was never my way. I’ll learn anything you got to teach and I am still learning to this day.

CKF is all one family is something REAL to me. My behavior is in many ways formed by this belief.

Couple of years back, I met some very good friends in forums etc. Lifelong enthusiasts in their own rights, we spoke often of amalgamating our materials and making them available to anyone who needs them.

Simple to talk about but when we actually got down to making this, we found ourselves confronted with a mountain of work.

Just picture scanning thousands of books/magazine and manuscripts, editing and then uploading them to a server.

Besides offering all the various genres of materials to members, we are also working to achieve a community wherein members can upload their own materials for study and discussion.

A MA tearoom with a projector running…..

So if any of you are keen to join us, please let me know. You can communicate here or PM or email me at white88crane@yahoo.com

If you got any propositions, let me hear about them.

Warmest Regards.
