do u yanks celebrate it
if u dont its celebrating our execution of guy fawkes and his band of catholic plotters who tried to blow up parliament in the 1600's

its a national celebration here in the uk and its on november 5th
its basically an excuse to light fires and play with fireworks

if u want to join in u will need
fireworks (as many as u can get)
lots of fire wood
an effigy of guy(guido) fawkes
english sympathies
and the following saying
"remember remember the 5th of november gunpowder treason and plot"

u might want snacks aswell

it goes like this
light the fire works
light all the wood in one big lump (we call it a bonfire dont know about u )
burn the effigy of the guy on the bonfire
say the saying (preferably shouting it all at once)
eat the snacks
have a good time
think kind thoughts towards us brits
perform some kung fu if u want lol

little known trivia
there is actually a school here in england (a catholic school) that refuses to celebrate guy fawkes night as guy fawkes was an old pupil