for starters Boris i like your style, but you can't blame people like ego and goktimus, some people are just born hopeless, cause if goktimus couldn't handle an exercise like knock arms there's something rong there, and get this everyone he (goktimus) is an instructor in his school haha i mean what a disgrace, his master must realy be ashamed and can you blame him, i know i can't. and as for you pns minimus or eggy maximus or what ever you call your self if you would have reaserched it you would find that it took western medicine 600 years to improve on the chinese version of the human anatomy they realy were dumbfounded at how "suffisticated" it was but i geuss your ego is to big for you to research something like that and yes i am a G.P and yes for every body who is wondering about dit dao yes it does improve bone density anybody who thinks it can't penetrate to the bone is foolish cause it does.