10 or so years ago it was 2 AM and a friend and I were driving home on a local parkway, barely passed another car the entire night. I glanced up and noticed a lot of stars were blotted out by a large, dark shape. I stop the car and we get out and look up. The shape was rectangular and there were four semi-bright lights at each corner, but we were unable to see the mid-section except that it was blotting out the stars behind it. I have no way to gauge it's size at this point...not until it passes directly overhead. There's NO noise at all, and the thing is the size of a football field...that's assuming it was CLOSE overhead, it could've been bigger, in the darkness it was hard to tell. It moves a bit away, again no point of reference for me to give good distances, then flips from horizontal to vertical and sideways (the lights and stars it's blocking seeming to show it was mostly a flattened shape, like RD's I assume)...then accelerates away and disappears in approximately 2 minutes.

My friend and I went from excited chatter (What is that? A blimp? Way too big! There's no noise?) to complete silence as it sped away. No way something that big and quiet should have disappeared over the horizon that quickly.
I'd love to know what that thing was...