Quote Originally Posted by ironmantis3 View Post
Yeah lung kinda like this right here....
I missed that bit entirely as I was shaking my head so hard in disbelief about what this guy was asking...

Man I don't get how anyone in their right mind can honestly think that they have the ultimate undeniable truth...
Because they lack something in their life so profoundly that they absorb some claptrap foreign religion in order to elevate themselves to a position of higher morality and ethics (which, as recent events have displayed over and over, are a complete and utter load...). This automatically lowers everyone else, and provides complete surety that the positions will never be reversed (since nonbelievers are automatically condemned to an eternity of suffering, though the ignorant faithful are guaranteed to go to Heaven after they die - but doesn't the Book say something about sleeping until the Second Coming? Nothing in there about a direct flight to the Pearly Gates...).

why can't people just realise that they have no idea what is going on and as much as they might want something to be, it is just a belief until the day we die and know for certain...
Again, some people are so weak-minded that they cling to their religion to give their empty lives meaning... Death in the family? How do you justify that? Easy! Accept Jaah-EEE-zuss-ah! The mystery of God's plan explains the unexplainable, doesn't it?

It in truth has nothing to do with WHAT is right....WHAT is a matter of personal perspective and there isn't a soul on this planet that has right to say who's WHAT is right and who's WHAT is wrong...that is just delusional...
Right and wrong are one thing. They are, to a great degree, universal throughout the human species. It's when we anthropomorphize Deity that we start getting in trouble...

A bunch of Middle Eastern guys really dig this one dude that says some pretty cool things, some politically charged, some religiously inspiring. Fine. The message spreads around the area. Still fine. Two millennia later, after endless discussion, debate, political in-fighting, discontent, inability to agree on what singular, out-of-context passages really mean, inability of history to support events described, people are still shocked when literate, competent, modern people don't jump on the Faith Wagon...

The saying "Religion is the opiate of the masses" has never rung so true...