Quote Originally Posted by Li Kao View Post

No one has a gun to your head making you recite the Pledge of Allegiance and you can spend the 6 weeks of holiday vacation however you choose -- there is no requirement that you have to observe God.
while that is true, people aren't stupid. it's CHRISTMAS break. EASTER break, etc. Even if you do choose not to observe God, you still know what the holiday was intended for, just as we know what the moment of silence in public schools was intended for. KKK members with jobs (certain jobs, anyway) are still off on Dr. martin luther king jr.'s birthday, whether they choose to reflect on his life or not.

Still, history bears out the fact that much of America's culture/tradition is steeped in Judeo-Christian ideals -- it's part of our past, like it or not.
just as paganism has its place within the history christianity, like it or not.