SO what are YOUR credentials? are YOU a Doctor? Are Your opinions based on your in depth study in the medical field at a reputable medical school? Or is all of your "opinions" based on just layman information and what you have read on your own?
You base a great deal of your opinions on the lack of clinical studies or trials to determine for a fact that fasting doesnt help the body. All we have is one study that proved that in that particular group that NO benefits were found for the detox group when measured for toxins in the blood/urine. Ok so that was a detox DIET, NOT a Fast(which is what we are talking about here). Oh and for your info the term Nutritionist DOES have a classification and one must be well learned in several fields of study before that designation can be bestowed upon them<legally that is, i dont doubt that there are those out there that take advantage of the term. but here is a link so that there isnt any confusion about that term and its meanings or qualifications of course the statistical info on this concerns me a bit, the state to state requirements that is.

Now Albeit that i miscalculated the proportions of the master cleanse lemonade and had to break the fast early, i still felt pretty good and felt a bit better after not having eaten anything solid for 4 days. Thousands of others have done the Master cleanse correctly and have not reported any ill side effects or experienced any adverse health conditions as a result of doing the Lemonade diet. Since we have many testimonials to the positive and very few on the negative other than "Doctors" saying "well you shouldnt do that because...........". It would seem that the doctors have been proven wrong in many instances. Sure its not a clinical study but if you look at how many have done this and have come out of it feeling better and having certain ailments cured or at least alleviated and controlled,then i would say that in deed the trials have been done,on a personal level, and the same results have made themselves clear, at least to me and others they have.
I would gladly partake in a clinical study on fasting, in fact i have done several clinical studies and trials over the past 3 years and so i DO know the setting and i know what happens in them and i know the results of those trials. There seems to be a repetetive theme in all of them. The drug will block and alleviate one symptom(the symptom the drug is targeting) and will create a host of other symptoms(side effects and YES they are REAL effects) that are seemingly WORSE that the original symptom the drug was trying to target. How is it then that these seemingly wonderful drugs get put out on the market with all these horrid REAL side effects? Well the answer is MONEY and the need to have more money, doesnt seem to me that this aspect of western science and medicine is really all that interested in CURING anything, just really expensive "blockers" that target a symptom and facilitates no healing at all of the root cause of the symptom.
Sure we have a few cures for things but in the grand scheme it is very little when you look at some of the plagues that have ripped through our world and communities( AIDS, CANCER in its many forms, which some can be controlled and cured but with a ton of horrid side effects and health hazards, even something as simple as herpes which has been around for a long long time and all we have to show for that little issue is "suppresive therapy", which really doesnt CURE the problem). i could name many other diseases but i think i have made my point clear here.
Back to Fasting and the lack of clinical trials to substantiate in the western medical science's eye that Fasting helps the body to detox. I think the reason why there hasnt been any is because of what i have written about in the above long winded paragraph. If it was shown that somethig as simple as Fasting and a decent healthy diet could prevent and alleviate certain body and system ailments the medical profession in this country would go bankrupt because people would then not have to spend a ton of $$ to their medical provider to get RX's of CR@P that do really NOTHING to the body other than to make it work harder to process those drugs in the body. Once again the Bulk of western doctors would make less and less $$ because people would be healthier and not have to go get regular checkups and be prescribed for bullsh!T ailments like restless leg syndrom or lower back pain experienced in depression, or even depression in of itself which most of the time our depression or, uhh excuse me here is another way to describe depression, OUR EMOTIONS are just reactive 9 times out of 10 rather than "clinical".
Given that these statements are opinions, alot of the thought process here is based on first hand experience of some of these drugs(except the suppresive therapy,hehehe i dont have herpes) and of course the study that i do on my own,like you do DaveTard. I can only base my opinions on first hand experiences. what do YOU base YOUR opinions on? Just what you read? Or did you do a Fast and it not produce the desired effect, or maybe you are a diabetic? Help us out here Dave.
