what ever style you practice does not matter.

a sport is a sport. what seperates a sport from reality is a set of rules.

regardless of the set of rules in place, we all have the same basic bodily structure, the same weaknesses, and so forth.

regardless of what style you practice you can adjust to any set of rules. your are not limited any more than an MMA figther is if your a kungfu man.

an MMA fighter certainly can eyegouge, leapord strike to the throat, etc...but they dont because its against the rules. I dont believe these concepts and techniques are mentally beyond many talented MMA fighters. that would be absurd to think.

if the rules state: ONLY PUNCHES TO THE HEAD. would you say " ow i cant eye gouge...my style is innefective as it has more than just head punches"


would you say "wow, my style has many types of punches to the head, i can easily adjust to this set of rules and represent my self"

if you think about it realistically, kungfu not being represented in current MMA, is a direct result from kungfu men not entering.

its that simple.

this is just a current state of affairs, kungfu guys are getting on the bandwagon late is all.

kungfu being so "traditional" and not wanting to change or conform for a representation in modern format goes against the principles of yinyang.

many teachers do realize this and are working on the slow process that will eventually lead to kungfu students being prepared for modern sport fighting at its highest level of entertainment. Modern MMA.

just a matter of time my friends, just a matter of time.

i plan be one of the men who will personally see to this needed evolution of chinese martial art. once i begin teaching of course....which is not soon...

SO, if your a good coach, understand combat.