Actually, we did not come here saying anything. Someone from this forum starting bagging on our studio with out knowing what they were talking about and I decided to sign up and defend something that I believe in. Shun Shifu Weaver felt the need to make a blanket statement telling all those who started the thread what he thought of them and any one who would attempt to judge our art. You don't want to here it, then you should not have started it. I believe it is irresponsible to put down any art in the first place.

NHB is good experience, But I do not train to compete I train to learn, I also spar to learn. I am not interested in making big money in fighting, I am a programmer and I make plenty of money at what I am doing with out showing that I can take a punch on a regular basis. There are many underground NHB fights one can attend and if one so chooses. An agent will pick you if you are good. Not interested, nothing to do with anything other than I am not interested. Maybe a fight once in a while for practice but that is all.

It matters if you train because that changes your perspective on other arts. I also go to school full time while working a web development job full time and I always find time to train and I always will that is my level of commitment.

What it comes down to is, if you do not train then I can not learn from you, so I am not interested in further debate.

Eric Ô¿Ô¬