I'm sure Winterpalm or David J can give me some insight on this. I was looking into Fu Jow Pai's history and noticed that Wong Moon Toy was from the same area from which Hak Fu Pai comes from. I've said and have noticed many similar techniques within these two styles, even the same exact opening/bow once upon a time.

The reason I bring this up is two fold. For one I know that Black Tiger and Hung Gar are closely related and share many techniques and in some cases forms. I also know that there is Black Tiger within Hung Gar, the exact same techniques that Black Tiger is known for. Now the techniques that are within the Hung Forms I'm talking about, are direct techniques from Soo Hak fu's Black Tiger. Soo Hak Fu's Black Tiger has very distinct Black Tiger techniques that can not be mistaken.

With that being said, I've noticed that from what I've seen of each style Fu Jow Pai nor Hak Fu Pai have these techniques or flavor. I'm not saying that neither style Isn't Black Tiger I'm just saying that they don't have the characteristics of the Soo Hak Fu Black Tiger, that's found within Hung Gar. It's obvious that most Black Tiger styles have at one point or another crossed paths, what I'm trying to understand or figure out is. When did Fu Jow Pai, Hak Fu Pai, and Soo Hak Fu's Hak Fu Mun cross paths, and who changed them to what we see today, which are vastly different systems?

In looking at Hak Fu Pai there is alot of Fu Jow usage just like within Fu Jow Pai. Hak Fu Mun on the other hand doesn't have as much Fu Jow usage, but many other Tiger techniques. That is another reason that leads me to think Fu Jow Pai and Hak Fu Pai are very closely related, if not in fact at one point the same system? You can see the Lama influence in Both Hung Gar and Hak Fu Mun, but it seems to be missing from both Hak Fu pai and Fu Jow Pai. But I've only seen a lil of both systems, so I'm by no means an authority on what each style contains.

Just some thoughts of mine maybe you guys can chime in and help?
