Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
Unfortunately you are right. Governments down here are corruptible, but they don’t really pull the strings. If you look into how things work down here, one cannot help but thinking ‘conspiracy theory’ or ‘world order’ or something. Problem is, there is always war down here. Regardless of whos in power, the very nature of the African people (again Im including myself here) are probably just that, War. If you wasn’t to see racism in all its glory, spend a little time amongst Africans (even people with the same skin colour).

who says no one is interested in African politics? i for one am. i think one reason people dont speak on it is fair of being labeled racist even when speaking truths, and 2, because the situation is so **** confounding and seemingly complex to an outsider. like me for 1.

i understand the role of unscrupulous corporations and the after effects of European imperialism as the cause of alot of the ills there. you also can't deny that Africans have caught a raw deal in the grand scheme of things. International indifference being just one. but are you basically saying the problems in Africa can for the most be blamed simply on tribalism? thats very disheartening. corrupt governments really aren't to blame? who exactly is pulling the strings there?

you probably should start a new thread by the way, as to not derail this one too much. respect for the dead and all......