This sounds like a complete Newb question but it really worth heavily training stances?

I've be told that you should be able to hold a Horse Stance for at least 6 - 10 minutes. Why?
When we play a mantis form, the transition between stances is quick and usually never held for more than a second. As long as your legs are strong enough to correctly work the stances in a form, why should we spend ten minutes training it static?
People might say training stances keeps you routed and gives you power. Yea thats true, but I can still generate good power in a drilling fist/horse stance, its just a point of good body mechanics/technique.
Another point. No-one ever really uses proper stance work when fighting. It seems a shame to have spent all that time squatting on your plum blossom poles and to then forget about stance work when fighting.

So yea discuss. If one can work through a form without any trouble etc is that a testament that stance training isn't so important?
