This story is going to sound rather insane, but I had to share it.

Two years ago, I purchased a large amount of herbal medicines for TCM, like I usually do, in Seattle's international district. I took the herbs, each wrapped in sealed paper bags, and placed them into a cardboard box, which I sealed with duct tape. I then placed this box on a shelf, in a room indoors. Herbs included: gypsum (yeah, It's a mineral, not an herb, I know) Aconite, Juju, apricot seed, two types of peony, magnolia bark, cinnamon bark, angelica root, ginseng root, and about 12 other herbs.

Fast forward about three months. I had used some of the herbs on occasion, so the box had been opened and closed. One day, I heard a strange rustling from the box, so I brought it down to the floor and opened it up. Inside of the box was around ten moths. However, these were not your normal moths. These moths, at least 40 percent of them, were joined, in pairs, at the head. At first I thought they were merely mating, somehow, but then I realized that they were joined at the head, and I don't know any species that mates head to head. All of the moths were fluttering about as if wounded, only one wing working on some of them.

The whole spectacle appeared perverse and disgusting to me, so I closed the box, took it outside, and opened the box. I removed all of the moths, and of course I checked for eggs or other means of reproduction, and found none. Mind you, there were NO moths left in the box.

The next day, after I had left the box with no moths sitting outside next to my front door window, I witnessed a bizaare sight. Another 8 moths had appeared, and were all stuck to the window above the box, which was now empty.

The reason that I brought this strange story up again was because I've noticed that, in recent days, whenever I put on large amounts of si sou feng, I encounter moths. These moths behave unlike normal moths, in that they do not sit still for long periods of time. These moths, instead of trying to fly close to light, seem to fly at my body when I'm in the room. And I don't mean by accident; I mean that if I dodge out of the way, the will make multiple sweeps at me until I leave the room or I let them land on me.

This has led me to believe that perhaps, one of the following is possible: 1: Moths are somehow mutated by a terotogen in one or more of the herbs or in the preservatives (if any) in these herbs. 2: Moths are somehow attracted to these herbs. 3: Moths may be affected by super-sensitive to types of Qi and/or can be spontaneously generated by exotic qi combinations.

Of course, #3 is the crazy one. But, I wanted to know, has anyone else had similar crazy experiences with animals, plants, etc after using Jows or Chinese Herbs?