Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
Oh please! Are you saying Sigung Chan is fake?
No. I am merely saying that your ken of TSPK's family tree is a tad askew, if not a little bit falsified.

Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
Chan Tai San? The lama pai GM? I already spoke with Lama Pai guys about the few monkey forms that he knew. They even said it was different. GM Chan Tai San was a southern style expert. Where he learned monkey, I don't know. If it was a different Chan Tai San, who was his teacher? Please don't say Sitaigung Ken. I already asked if there was a Chan Tai San in the TSPK family and they said no. And please don't say Master Kau
What do you have against Master Kau? As far as I know, there was only one Chan Tai San, and he was a 10th dan of TSPK.

"Those with Lilliputian knowledge, scream like Brobdingnagian baboons."

Get your facts straight before you assume such acerbic tones.

Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
Don't disrespect a grand master you have no connection with. CTS RIP
I had no intention of doing so, and never did. I merely stated the truth, that Paulie Zink's material is part and parcel of CTS's cirriculum. You might not see it, because you do not yet have discerning eyes. PM me in four years, and I'm sure your eyes will have matured to that kind of level. Until then, spare us the ignorance.

Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
There are no DANs in TSPK. What the hell are you talking about? If what you do is anything like what Zink does, then you were tricked.
Oh no? No Dan's? Then why was I ordained by TSPK's best and brightest as 8th Dan of TSPK (which is one of the 2 8th Dan's I hold in MA)?

Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
There really aren't any brunches in this tree. At least, there aren't any yet. Sigung Chan was the only person Sitaigung taught the monkey style. Sigung then taught his kf brothers. Sigung Chan is the only student of Sitaigung still alive. When his kf brothers died, their students trained with him. The only branches are Sigung Chan's students, but they teach it basically the way sigung wants them.
I'm not legitimizing anything. I'm merely stating a lineage that can be proven (and was, with the video links you were so kind to post for me). I simply believe Paulie Zink was the real deal, unlike some of the bugbears on this site. Believe it or not....

"Knowledge is in the eyes of the seeker, who seeks with his eyes the knowledge the ignorant shall never comprehend." --Sifu John Takeshi, 8th Dan Shao-lin Ninjitsu & TSPK