Quote Originally Posted by BoulderDawg View Post
However do you really want an "Absurd use of realism"? Then check this out:


It's of the stoning death of a teenage girl in Iraq. Outragious. It looked like hundreds of men were there and took part.....no one lifted a finger to help.

Watch this video while at the same time remind yourself that these are the people that Americans are fighting and dying for.
I don't really think this is so outrageous. Even in today's modern society. Some of you will think I'm out of my mind, I'm sure. But even if you read the Bible, it doesn't actually proscript anyone from stoning women to death. It merely says: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

So, what I see when I watch this video are couple of stand-up guys who made smart life decisions, avoided sin whithersoever it lay in ambush, who stoned a girl because she violated the law.

Who are you to judge the sinless?