Im wondering if anyone knows of any video of wing chun in action in an actual encounter, either a real fight situation or a full contact tournament type setting?

Im 43 yo and looking to start training again , I did tae kwon do in high school, although in retrospect I believe the correct pronunciation should be "take-ones-dough" - the korean art of emptying pockets.

Ive studied styles as much as possible and really believe wing chun to be my best fit. I want something that I can stay with until Im old and gray. While there is much to be said about western boxing and its bareknuckle techniques as well as Muay thai, I believe for my situation WC is easily the best fit.

In order for me to put forth as much effort as required to master the art/sceince
of WC I would like to see it in action for real. I have bareknuckle video of both Muay thai fighters and Irish gypsy western boxing style but can find no video of WC. Can anyone help?

Thanks guys
