Quote Originally Posted by kwaichang View Post
Your argument is flawed as you are human and imperfect. Who are you to question God you have no idea of the master plan . The word of God is corrupted and in all of your so called "LOGIC" condemn the god for the acts of man. Your MA teacher teaches you if you question his method you will learn but not as well as you could or should. There is evil in in the world even with out God or Christianity. Look at the Mayans and the Chinese and the Russians look at Lenin MaoTse Tung and others . You are confused by your own ego in thinking you are wiser than God. KC

I am flawed and imperfect because I am human. Well, I admit I am human. Flawed and imperfect? Well, 7 million years of evolution led up to me. I'm strong. I support myself. I make a good living. I am reasonably intelligent, and I am kind.

I also do not believe in God.

I dont' condemn god for the acts of man. And I don't laud him for them either. He didn't do evil things. Men did. And he didn't do good things. Men did. I think you'd appreciate both points. But then how does God take credit?

Believers tend to make the common mistake of attributing all good things to god, for they wish to have a positive god. An evil one just doesn't make sense. Obivously, love is in our best interest. Therefore, god is love. But I could write a treatise describing an evil god, where he enjoins evil, and the main flaw in the argument would be, wouldn't you know it, "the problem of good."

Different sides of the same coin.

Actually, I find questioning a teacher to be a good thing to do. My needs are not the same as my classmate's. His needs are not mine. I learn by questioning. Sometimes I know the answer before I hear it, sometimes I have no friggin' clue. But I ask nonetheless, because asking, questioning, doubting--they're part of learning. If you've never doubted, you've never learned. Einstein made a crappy Newtonian physicist. But he was the engineer of relativity.


I'm not wiser than god. Nobody is.

But do you know why I'd make that statement?