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Thread: We are idiots...

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  1. #1

    We are idiots...

    Check out this thread if you get a chance:

    The cliff notes version:
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    Woman??/man?? kickboxer dude/dudess who is already on probation drives several hours (with a gun and weed in the car) with his or her internet fight buddies to do a challenge match in a parking lot agaisnt some skinny dude that was trash talking him/her on an internet MA site. Everybody talks trash back and forth for about 20 minutes.

    Finally, instead of the skinny dude fighting the woman??/man?? kickboxer (the original challenge match), a bald, fat, cigarette-smoking white dude goes after a black dude in the woman??/man?? kickboxer's entourage. The black dude takes him down, takes mount, gets out of a half-assed guillotine, and throws a few blows, stopping when the white dude tells him to stop.

    Black dude gets up and walks away as white dude follows, hurling racial epithets at him the whole time. Racial tirade continues as woman??/man?? kickboxer and entourage gets back into car for long drive back home.
    ================================================== =

    Watching this fiasco made me realize how the internet has the potential to turn what are just normal idiots into complete idiots (and I include myself in both groups).
    Last edited by Knifefighter; 07-12-2007 at 10:30 AM.

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