I have been reading this thread with great interest since I am a Song Shan Shaolin practitioner. I really liked Gene Ching's reply and Wall's reply. However, being the student of a monk and being taught the histories of the various forms as we learn them, I can say that the basic forms of Shaolin are centuries old. We must not forget that in the "old days," as well as now, and will continue into the future; martial monks left the temple and entered into secular life and continued to practice and teach to the layity. So this notion that all the monks were killed except for a few and the traditional Shaolin kung fu died out is a false one. Because of this Shaolin arts have been preserved and we have seen the emergence of the various styles of Shaolin wushu such as Hung Gar and your BSL. Another thing that bothers me is the use of the term Wushu. People in the Western world draw lines with it thinking that it means only the competition aspect of it that was developed in the 1960's by the PRC. However, wushu simply means martial arts. Way back, who knows when, and whoever translated kung fu to the western world did us a great disservice. So now westerners use Kung Fu to define traditional CMA and Wushu to define the contemporary CMA. My Sifu rarely uses the term Kung Fu, he uses wushu, as do I. So when someone says "Shaolin Wushu" all they are saying is Shaolin Martial Arts. If you want to distinguish, qualify it with traditional wushu or contemporary or modern wushu. At Shaolin Temple they teach traditional and contemporary wushu. When the monks perform and people see that, it is easy to say "oh, that is not traditional kung fu, that is wushu" because of all the acrobatics and flips and spinning kicks and such. However, keep in mind that these are performances and so are meant to inspire awe and entertain the audiences. Our traditional forms do not contain these things. Sometimes the monks will "ad lib" a few acrobatics and fantastic kicks into these forms to jazz them up a bit. Sometimes, and I have seen my master do this with incrudulity, they will make things up on the spot.