I will admit however, that I don't care for their children's programs. Too much day care, and for young kids 9-12, they teach a macho attitude which in my book isn't healthy.
Since I teach for a living, and since I do not want to compromise, yet still make a decent living, I look at the ones who are doing it right, or at least doing big things which I can learn from. From TSK, I see a strong workout,heavy on conditioning, and heavy on motivation.(not simply feel good stuff, but good strong work) Kinda like Anthony Robins in a Gi. If I can inspire my students to push themselves and train hard, and enjoy it, if they walk out of my classes sweating and pumped, then they will not only get better, they will bring in others.
I doubt I will develop a curriculum like theirs, where each student has a card with a bar code, and are charged for hours...who knows? BUT, I have brought in Shuai Jiao and BJJ people to develop a curriculum for grappling, and one of my students, who is Thai, spends his summer in Thailand trainng with Col. Amnat Pooksrisuk learning Muay Chayat,and Muai Boran. This will also be a part of our school's training. (Tools,attributes, not trying to change anything or learn a style)SO ,learn and grow.