Why do so many martial artists of any style or system - Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Brazilian etc resort to the SAME basic punch / kick or kickbox combinations when they fight - no matter their style ?

For so many years I have seen people train in various systems, learn countless forms & techniques - drill them over and over again in classes - and perform them flawlessly in controlled fighting drills and sparring -

BUT when it comes down to a real fighting match against a stranger - whether it be in or out of the ring - that 99% of people resort back to basic kickboxing ???

Why do their "techniques" and their "styles" go out the window ?

Notice in many videos of fights - be it UFC , YouTube, etc - most resort to non-technique based fighting ?

Most things in our lives improve and become updated as time passes - whether it be medicine, science, technology, etc - why do most people not look to update and improve their martial skill and bring it into the 21st century ?

Most people would laugh at someone using an old PC, driving an old car or wearing outdated clothes - but martial artists want to "keep the art pure" and teach techniques "the way they were taught" - why do a great deal of martial artists not update their fighting ? Why do they use the techniques they have learned the same way that is from "centuries ago"?

Look at western boxers from the 1900's and you will see a stand up style of fighting - versus a boxer of today that is more crouched and mobile.

I take the basics of my martial skills and adapt and enhance them to not only work in today's world but simultaneously to be as simple as possible.

One example - most of us are able to walk all day long - SIMPLY WALK - why not adapt your fighting stepping patterns to coincide and be as simple as walking ?

When you walk naturally you have your best balance, you are your most fluid, you have great agility and the most speed of movement - YET - when most people fight they retreat into their "stances" or their "footwork pattern" - WHY ?

Think about the statements I have made and the questions I have asked and if anyone wishes to converse about this topic I will gladly share my views, knowledge and experience with what I have done and currently do.

Mark Manganiello