Quote Originally Posted by Knifefighter View Post
What is insane are the theoretical non-fighters who try to extrapolate that data to something as stupid as that ineffective leverage type move to the neck that you described.
No, what I described was a move taught in eskrima. The part where I mention the bendable neck for crash test dummies was for a reference outside of martial arts where there are studies done on just how much stress the neck can take.

Your accusation of me being a theoretical nonfighter is without evidence. It'd be best if you didn't do such things in the future because all it does is make your argument silly when you use it as a basis.

That data would be much more applicable to striking to the head than it would be to neck manipulations.
Only the part about temple striking, which isn't required with the move I described. I added it as an example of what one might do after applying pressure to the back of the neck.

BTW, grapplers regularly use moves (i.e. 1/4 nelson, crucifix, etc) that are much more effective and put much more pressure on the neck without breaking each others necks.
Not the issue. The issue was how. I gave one example of how. It doesn't matter what grapplers regularly use or not.