Since a discussion of sparring with mantis techniques came up once again in the other thread, I thought it would be interesting to put a video thread dedicate to those schools that apply this training methodology

Polish schools of Tanglang training (Seven Stars) includes live sparring sessions at the basic training level and such as this:

and move progressively towards open tournament for testing against resistive opponents:

As for myself training in CCK TCPM, here's an old light sparring practice session with a student.

A former student, who has remain close contact with me, that recently enter a Pankration tournament. The takedown move that he used was the first move that I show on day one of our practice.

Although we don't train specifically for Pankration rules, we ended up looking similar to it.

I would like to invite those of you that have sparring session video to share openly your methodology. This way I believe we can build a frame of reference to Tanglang fighting approach in a tournament setting. I know Norman, Oso (Matt), and others would have some to share. I have also seen Mantid1's students in action. So guys by all means please share what you have.

Warm regards
