Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
If you venture into the open circuits, it's all about the trickers. I don't think it's a bad thing personally. Everyone likes a little flash and dazzle. We have some trickers coming into the studio tomorrow for a Tiger Claw modeling shoot.

What's ironic about it is that the trickers steal a lot from wushu. Now, some are entering into the wushu rings, which is driving the wushu people crazy. It's parallel to how the traditionalists get all riled up when wushu competitors cross into their rings. We've had several issues with it in our Tiger Claw Elite Championship. Given the weird state of modern wushu now, with nandu and all, this has become a complex problem.

So, if the trickers are lifting their moves from wushu, can you say that kung fu has gone "in this direction"?
i'm saying its ridiculous when the guys do it. but when the women do it, its hot!

seriously, i wish some of the kung fu guys would put the energy into their forms like the karate guys do. even though its a totally different energy, i see so many kung fu people just walking through their forms.