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Thread: Busted Martial Artists

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austin, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by BruceSteveRoy View Post
    a few things i wanted to asay about this. i am not for vigilantism but in this father's position i probably would have done the same or simialr thing. the only difference is i would have shot below the waste to avoid murder/attempted murder charge. and if my aim is decent enough that shot could prevent him from abusing more kids and i would serve an agravated assault with deadly wepaon charge for that. but i am curious what sort of punishment the father got for this.
    If you shoot someone, you will be charged with attempted murder. Even if you don't aim for the head or heart, the victim could well bleed to death.

    The father got probation. 5 years I believe, it was not long. It was a plea bargain. The molester's family was upset, but the prosecutor said if it had went to trial he doubted he could find a jury that would convict the father. So he offered a pretty light deal and it was accepted.
    Last edited by 1bad65; 11-15-2007 at 12:58 PM.

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