this sucks but at least it isn't anything serious. i went to the doctor today after months of knee pain. i usually just dealt with the pain but kicking has become unbearable and since i am training for a triathlon now running and biking were making it hurt pretty much constantly. i figured i should go to the doc when it started hurting really bad while i was sitting and doing nothing.

anyway the diagnosis was patellofemoral pain syndrome. my doctor said its due to an imbalance of half of my right quadricep. basically the outside half is stronger than the inside half and it is pulling my knee cap outward. so if i try to do anything that puts pressure on my knee while it is bending past approx. 45 degrees my knee pops out. it hurts. that means no low stances. no forms because i can't t put much torque on my knee. its definately going to effect my jiu jitsu, i can't shoot on ppl, i shouldn't attempt throwing anyone bc it might put too much weight on it. i guess i just have to pull guard. probably can't use rubber guard. at least i am a white belt so they won't do any leg locks on me. this sucks.

the worst is running though and i am doing about 3-5 miles every other day and i have no intention of stopping. o well. time to just suck it up and do the PT.

sorry all i just needed to vent. but hey at least there are no torn ligaments or tendons or anything. no need for surgery.