Quote Originally Posted by diego View Post
Never seen real Tae Kwon Do.
pretty cool links man...how they do the dance for their roundhouse swithups?...like they do right and left roundhouse continuosly in the air, but in comp they do it as a bunch of fakes...I would love to see if they have any form for this...looks like it builds mad power!. What kind of scientific studies have the TKD olympic peeps done to get they kicks so spinny?.
Props to this thread
I have had the chance to train in both MT and ITF TKD, even a bit in WTF, and the kicks of a good TKD are just as powerful and fast as those of a MT fighter ( though I give the edge to the MT fighter in terms of low kicks and overall fighting skill).
ITF TKD loves the lead leg kicks and I have seen some pretty nasty KO's from lead leg side kicks, round kicks and even lead leg hook kicks.
TKD has always been "mostly kicks", that is a given, little know fact is that the orginal ITF guys from the 60's and 70's all had very good hands too.