I'm posting it here for two reasons: #1. Nicholas Tse does not deserve his own thread. #2. Still plugging SPL - buy it here if you still haven't seen it (we need to pay some forum hosting bills).

Nicholas Tse Gives Martial Arts Demonstration
22 January 2008
Emma Lam

Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) and Tsui Siu Ming (徐小明) were among the guests taking part in the Citizens Work Out to Welcome the Olympics <全民健身迎奧運> at the Mongkok Stadium on Sunday evening. They were joined by members of martial arts troups from Guangzhou and Hong Kong to take part in a sporting demonstration to mark 200 days until the start of the Beijing Olympic games on 08 August.

6000 people joined Nicholas in a display of martial arts moves and then he performed the song "Yellow People" <黃種人> whilst giving a swordplay performance. He revealed that he built in some Taichi forms into his routine to avoid standing still at the beginning of the song. He added that during rehearsals, he had cut himself on the face, but he was fine.

Nicholas's wife Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝) was spotted taking their son Lucas to Hong Kong Disneyland earlier and he explained that he was suffering from a respiratory infection on that day, so he did not join them. Asked if he was worried about infecting his son, he said that he has kept himself away, but Lucas is starting to recognise his voice now.

Asked if the HK$500,000 Lexus that Cecilia was driving on that day was a gift from him, Nicholas revealed that this was from last year and was a gift to her and Lucas. As for whether he had selected the safest car for his wife, he said that Cecilia will drive at a safe speed and if he does not need to work, he will always try to be their chauffeur.
Sure, sure, I'd chauffeur Cecilia about in a $1/2 mill Lexus.