I know there are tons of topics like these, but I’ll post this anyways.

As everything has gone up tremendously down here, I need to try push my student numbers in order to keep head above water.

I need advice on:
Marketing ideas – how to get more students?
Money making ideas – how do I make more money from my school?

Obviously I know all the usual, like handing out pamphlets, putting up posters etc, and I know all about running seminars etc, but I’m sure people like Lkfmdc and lama pie sifu can give us more advice.

I have a full time facility located in a suburb. I have a garden and a fully equipped studio.

One thing I haven’t tried is day care.

You guys have some awesome ideas. Please share some.

Hoping to keep this serious. if you're not realyl interested in this topic, just ignore it. Im really hoping to hear from great business masters such as the people i mentioned.