Child's first logic mistakes
Child: The Easter bunny exists

A: How do you know?

Child: My mommy says so

Without proper education this will either become:

College child dumass just took first semester with liberal professors (ccdjtfswlp): The US government sends people to prison for anything

B: Really, what do you mean

ccdjtfswlp: like, they send people to jail for nothing

B: who told you that?

ccdjtfswlp: Like my professors told me maaaann

B: Can you show me some evidence?

ccdjtfswlp: Just look around man, can't you see it?

Conservative white trash has life so bad needs to blame on someone else guy (cswthlsbntbseg): Did you know the liberal government hired the same mersonary guy to kill the branch dividians, the ruby ridge, and all the right wing heroes??

B: really, how do you know?

cswthlsbntbseg: Radio guy told me

B: And who told radio guy

cswthlsbntbseg: he thinked it up, being he's real smart and all

cough cough They're taking our jobs!!!