Hi all!!!

Im new to the forums, this will be my second post now.
Just wondering if there anyone could give my some things like
Links, Books, Drills etc etc that I can do to help with learning kung fu
without a sifu?

Where I live there is no where to learn kung fu apart from where Im learning now which teches Tiger and Crane but it's not the main focus of the school.
Ive been learning martial arts for about 7 years and have studied a few different styles, but the things I have learnt in kung fu thus far have intrigued me alot.

I've tried Wing Chun as its the only other style offered and I wanted to learn SOMETHING but I found it hard to keep up because it wasnt really what I wanted to be doing.
Im planning on training in China soon to learn the real martial arts but until then Id like to be able to train myself and learn as much as I can.

Thank you all!