Develop your skills, and there is nothing to fear.
Dead Wrong

It's not about fear, its about being aware of reality. The above quote is the same type of nonsense that gets people into trouble when they should of been better prepared.

I'll make a few succinct statements to this point for those that don't get the big picture:

ALL of your training will depend on your incentive and motivation to follow through. If you perceive a good reason to engage in any type of training, chances are that you will apply yourself.

If you choose to omit reality based weapn training from your training regimen, or any other "important factor", then you are reducing your overall odds of prevailing in that one vital confrontation.

The primary point is that unarmed combat is to be regarded as being the option used when their are no other superior tactical advantages around, such as weaponry, escape or evasion.

In the end, it's a matter of how you want to stack the odds against an opponent who may never appear. To many of us, the cost of losing such a situation is too high, so we train and are prepared.

When was the last time you had to use these "special weapons" in a fight? I couldn't imagine carrying such things, "just in case".
Glad you cannot imagine carrying such things but I am glad I do and did.

Do you walk everywhere you go. I mean, to work, to the grocery store, when you go out to eat
Having to use my legs then yes I would have to walk to get to places.

Also, Iron Palm is not the end all. Just because someone has developed these skills,
It's not even the close all.