I have trained in a few FMA systems as well and also carry a edged weapon on my person. Even after this exposure and training, to be honest I still think some of the new breed kali peeps teach over intricate and sometimes even inappropriate counters and strips in response to an armed struggle.

I much prefer Karl Tanswell's Stab Program or the Red Zone by far.

Now if we are talking about fma in non-defensive mode and on the attack, that is a different story.
I think that STAB and REDZONE are by far two of the best emptyhand solutions to the blade, that and the DBMA "dog catcher", which goes very well with STAB and REDZONE.
Most of the kali stuff is, well, kali oriented.
I think that the overly fancy stuff is just that, fancy, BUT when faced with a "kali attack", the core works great ( actually the core works great period), the STAB and RZ is more "basic" and very effective VS the "simple" attack, I think you know what I mean.

As a side note, IP and Kali go great together, kali is very much into the slap.

Makes sense, but it depends on the context of the situation, going knife to fist because some bouncer pushes you and you quick draw and slice his throat as in the case of that Sayoc off-shoot in New York is absurd, but going knife to fist if you are being mugged may be something much different all together.
Legal issues aside, I still have issues pulling a blade on a SINGLE unarmed attacker.