Or something to that effect. I quit RadioShack, my employer over the past 4.5 years.

Here's the things:

A few weeks ago, I put in an application at the local Alltel store. They have 100% higher per-hour rates, plus a much better commission compensation plan. Better hours, less prepaid (to be read as rude, arrogant, ignorant, and hateful) customers, and a better corporate atmosphere. Before the day I went in for an interview was over, my district office knew about it. Weird, but I figured it was Alltel hiring calling to verify my information. Anyway.

Ends up, I don't get the job - hiring freeze. Or something. I'm asked to not hold it against the recruiting store, and they requested the option to keep my resume on file and to request a hiring counsel in six months. Late, but okay. Never burn bridges, right?

Another week goes by, everything's koscher at work. Show up one day, see my next week's scheduled hours are 15. That's a 10 plus another five. My minimum is 32. So, I ask my assistant manager (who was given the position after I turned it down. Three times. Yet he's constantly reminding me how he got it so soon after working there) gets smiley, fidgety, and (literally) whiny. I ask him repeatedly if he knows what's going on, but the only responses I get are from an eight year old boy. "Please, dude, just call your boss!" Etc. So, I do. I ask if I've been demoted to part-time. She tells me I have. I simmer.

I explode.

Spend the rest of the day beat red, arguing with her, my co-workers, and many rude customers. I'm requested by district office to maintain my key-holder status, and my security code clearance, and do all the associated duties without the pay.

Whatever. No.

Today, I spend four hours turning the decision over in my mind: keep taking this garbage, day in, day out, for 65% less than I've been making, or fire the whole lot of them. I chose option B.

So, I call my district manager, who is touring the disctrict with his boss' boss, on his cell. I ask him (he immediately puts me on speaker) why I'm being treated the way I have, after my job history and performance with the company. Both iterate and reiterate my applying elsewhere was an act of extreme disrespect and disloyalty to the company, and couldn't go unnoticed (I wish I were making this up). I state my fiscal performance - disloyalty, disrespect. Adherence to procedure, sales guides - disloyalty, disrespect. The boss' boss finally tells me I can keep my 15 hours, or they can drop me to three, then I can work my way up to 15 again, then MAYBE I can get full-time status again, if I prove my loyalty to the -

I say "You know what, Steve? You're fired. You no longer have the privilege of employing me."

I hung up on him.

I think I orgasmed.

I've got a preliminary interview for a management spot at the local Office Depot. If that falls through, a local rent-to-own outlet is blowing up my phone to come in for an interview to take over the store so the region manager there can get back to his other stores.

I'm unemployed.

My options are nice and varied, now. Because of my education (BS in business, eight credits short of degree in exercise science), my experience, and my ability, I'll have another JOB rather quickly.

Next year, I'll be beginning my CAREER. I'll be moving to California, taking a minority piece of a gym there, and starting up.

I'm relaxed.

I'm excited.

Hope you're not bored.